
Python 3 bindings for SLEPc 64-bit libraries (real numbers)

SLEPc is the Scalable Library for Eigenvalue Problem Computations.


abstract collection of monitoring metrics

Metrics::Any provides a central location for modules to report monitoring metrics, such as counters of the number of times interesting events have happened, and programs to collect up and send those metrics to monitoring services.


Eclipse Web Tools Platform - XSD Core Plugin

The Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) project extends the Eclipse platform with tools for developing Web and Java EE applications. It includes source and graphical editors for a variety of languages, wizards and built-in applications to simplify development, and tools and APIs to support deploying, running, and testing apps.


tab-based indentation for haskell-mode

This file provides `haskell-tab-indent-mode', a simple indentation mode for Haskell projects which require tabs for indentation and do not permit spaces (except for where clauses, as a special case).


CASA functions handling measures

The casacore package contains the core libraries of the old AIPS++/CASA (Common Astronomy Software Applications) package. This split was made to get a better separation of core libraries and applications.


Tidy Output from Regular Expression Matching

Wrappers on 'regexpr' and 'gregexpr' to return the match results in tidy data frames.