
Robot OS image_view Python 3 package

This package is part of Robot OS (ROS). The package provides the library with a viewer for ROS image topics. Includes a specialized viewer for stereo + disparity images. Python 3 package.


NIfTI functions to compute cumulative distributions

Niftilib is a set of i/o libraries for reading and writing files in the NIfTI-1 data format. NIfTI-1 is a binary file format for storing medical image data, e.g. magnetic resonance image (MRI) and functional MRI (fMRI) brain images.


QGIS - shared analysis library


MATLAB MAT File I/O Library - shared library

matio is a C library for reading and writing MATLAB MAT files.


Library files for libzeep


Jakarta Activation

Jakarta Activation lets you take advantage of standard services to: determine the type of an arbitrary piece of data; encapsulate access to it; discover the operations available on it; and instantiate the appropriate bean to perform the operation(s).