
GNU Objective-C++ compiler

This is the GNU Objective-C++ compiler, which compiles Objective-C++ on platforms supported by the gcc compiler. It uses the gcc backend to generate optimized code.


visual servoing platform mbt library

This package contains the ViSP (Visual Servoing Platform) markerless 3D model-based tracker (mbt) runtime library.


Generate x86 Assembly with Go (program)

This is the program package of avo.


Java bindings for the computer vision library


NVIDIA System Management Interface (Tesla 418 version)

The NVIDIA Management Library (NVML) provides a monitoring and management API. The application "nvidia-smi" is the NVIDIA System Management Interface (NVSMI) and provides a command line interface to this functionality.


ActiveModel Validation for email

This library validates email for application use (registering a new account for example).