
Task scheduler for heterogeneous multicore machines


client for the etcd3 API - Python 3.x

This package contains the python-etcd3 library, which is a module to connect to an Etcd cluster.


utility like nslookup(1), but uses instead of DNS

nss-tls is an alternative, encrypted name resolving library to use with glibc, which uses DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH).


utility for testing milter applications

The OpenDKIM Project is a community effort to develop and maintain a C library for producing DKIM-aware applications and an open source milter for providing DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) service.


GRO-seq Analysis Pipeline

This BioConductor package provides a pipeline for the analysis of GRO- seq data. Among the more advanced features, r-bioc-grohmm predicts the boundaries of transcriptional activity across the genome de novo using a two-state hidden Markov model (HMM).


acceptance testing for JSON-Schema based validators like JSON::Schema

The Test::JSON::Schema::Acceptance module allows the JSON Schema Test Suite tests to be used in Perl to test a module that implements json-schema. These are the same tests that many modules (libraries, plugins, packages, etc.) use to confirm support of json-schema. Using this module to confirm support gives assurance of interoperability with other modules that run the same tests in different languages.