
GNU Modula-2 compiler (cross compiler for mips64 architecture)

This is the GNU Modula-2 compiler, which compiles Modula-2 on platforms supported by gcc. It uses the gcc backend to generate optimised code.


NVIDIA EGL installable client driver (ICD)

EGL provides a platform-agnostic mechanism for creating rendering surfaces for use with other graphics libraries, such as OpenGL|ES.


QGIS - shared gui library


QGIS - shared server library


Shared libraries for DOLFIN (64-bit indexing)

DOLFIN is the Python and C++ interface of the FEniCS project for the automated solution of differential equations, providing a consistent PSE (Problem Solving Environment) for solving ordinary and partial differential equations. Key features include a simple, consistent and intuitive object-oriented API; automatic and efficient evaluation of variational forms; automatic and efficient assembly of linear systems; and support for general families of finite elements.


Ada library to parse files and replace variables (runtime)

The main goal is to ease the development of Web servers. In CGI (Common Gateway Interface) applications, you have to write HTML pages in the program (in Ada or whatever other language) by using some specific libraries or by using only basic output functions. This is of course not mandatory but by lack of a good library every Web development ends up doing just that. Templates Parser takes that burden off of you.