
HTTP request logger middleware for node.js

Morgan is a HTTP request logger middleware for node.js.


ACE reliable multicast library

The RMCast library is a reliable source-ordered multicast protocol implementation.


Fast connection strategy for Ansible

Mitogen for Ansible is a completely redesigned UNIX connection layer and module runtime for Ansible. Requiring minimal configuration changes, it updates Ansible’s slow and wasteful shell-centric implementation with pure-Python equivalents, invoked via highly efficient remote procedure calls to persistent interpreters tunnelled over SSH. No changes are required to target hosts.


QGIS - shared analysis library


Library file for libzeep

Libzeep is a C++ library providing a validating XML parser, XML DOM tree implementation, XPath 1.0 support and code to create SOAP/REST servers as well as a full web application framework.


OpenZFS pool library for Linux

OpenZFS is a storage platform that encompasses the functionality of traditional filesystems and volume managers. It supports data checksums, compression, encryption, snapshots, and more.