simple text editor for GNOME


simple text editor for GNOME

GNOME Text Editor is a simple editor for GNOME focused on being a good general purpose default editor.
simple open source disk benchmark tool for Linux distros


simple open source disk benchmark tool for Linux distros

This is an HDD and SSD benchmark tool with a very friendly graphical user interface. KDiskMark with its presets and powerful GUI calls Flexible I/O Tester and handles the output to provide an easy to view and interpret comprehensive benchmark result.
terminal image and video viewer


terminal image and video viewer

A user-friendly viewer that uses 24-Bit color capabilities and unicode character blocks to display images, animations and videos in the terminal.
Linux chip programmer for CH341a devices


Linux chip programmer for CH341a devices

Linux IMSProg - I2C, SPI and MicroWire chip programmer for CH341a devices. The IMSProg is a free EEPROM programmer tool for CH341A device based on QhexEdit2 and modify SNANDer programmer.
play music from the commandline


play music from the commandline

kew is a commandline music player. It supports gapless playback, displaying album covers as ASCII art or as a normal image, and 24-bit audio. Saving a current selection of songs as m3u is also supported.
Run any Windows program through Valve's Proton


Run any Windows program through Valve's Proton

Proton-caller allows you to run any Windows program through Valve's Proton compatibility layer as easy as running it with WINE. Simply configure your Steam and common directories, and run the executable with proton-call -r foo.exe. Other usage examples can be found in the manual page. The last arguments are passed to the windows executable.