
Fortran compiler

Ground-up implementation of a Fortran front end written in modern C++.


Actions, Menus and Toolbars Kit for GTK+

Amtk is a basic GtkUIManager replacement based on GAction. It is suitable for both a traditional UI or a modern UI with a GtkHeaderBar.


m2e compatible maven plugin for renaming/copying

This plugin helps in copying files or renaming files or directories during the Maven build lifecycle.


Node.js module to provide Python grammar for the lezer parser system

The problem of parsing structured text has resisted one-size-fits all solutions for over 60 years. Lezer isn't such a solution either, but it is a very decent parser generator, especially well suited for use in code editors.


Helsinki Finite-State Transducer Technology (Python3 module)

The Helsinki Finite-State Transducer software is intended for the implementation of morphological analysers and other tools which are based on weighted and unweighted finite-state transducer technology.


Vim runtime files for git-hub

git hub is a simple command line interface to GitHub, enabling most useful GitHub tasks (like creating and listing pull request or issues) to be accessed directly through the Git command line.