
Google's Android SDK Command-line Tools (7.0) Installer

This package will download the Google's Android SDK Command-line Tools (7.0) package and unpacks it into Debian-friendly paths.


Google's Android SDK Command-line Tools (5.0) Installer

This package will download the Google's Android SDK Command-line Tools (5.0) package and unpacks it into Debian-friendly paths.


LSP (Linux Studio Plugins) audio-plugins (VST3 plugins)

Linux Studio Plugins (LSP) provides a collection of audio effects, synthesizers, and a selection of audio tools for music and sound production. It provides standalone JACK clients and integrates into the LV2, CLAP, LADSPA, VST3 and VST2 plugin frameworks.


tool to facilidate OSD deployment

Ceph is a distributed storage and network file system designed to provide excellent performance, reliability, and scalability.


URI components manipulation library

This package contains concrete URI components instances represented as immutable value objects.


presentation tool for org-mode

The main purpose of this elisp is to handle each tree in an org buffer as a slide by simple narrowing. This emacs lisp is a minor mode for Emacs Org-mode.