
portable and fully compliant implementation of NAT-PMP (Python 3 bindings)

NAT-PMP is the direct concurrent to the UPnP IGD specification. It is providing a way to do NAT traversal. It is part of the Bonjour protocol specifications. At the moment it is mainly supported by Apple software and hardware. For a way to add NAT-PMP capabilities to your *BSD, Linux or (Open)Solaris Router, you should have a look at MiniUPnPd which is supporting NAT-PMP in addition to UPnP since December 2007 !


development files for resource constrained project scheduling library


Eclipse Equinox Jasper Jsp Support Bundle

The Equinox Bundles project is tasked with implementing all add-on services detailed in the OSGi specifications including the output of the various OSGi Expert groups. In addition, the bundles component team defines and produces bundles and services that are of general utility to OSGi systems and programmers.

HTTP Behavior for the Zope Publisher


kolab plugin for FusionDirectory

Kolab2 account management plugin


Debian Edu Desktop applications for French installs

This subtask depends on various office and desktop applications that are useful for teachers and their students.