
Python module for sentinel objects (Python 3 version)

Sentinels are objects with special meanings that can be passed as meaningful flags rather than special casing 0, None, -1, False etc. Sentinels can be thought of as singletons, but they service the need of having 'special' values in code,


Implementation of the JPEG-LS standard

CharLS is an optimized implementation of the JPEG-LS standard for lossless and near-lossless image compression


Mastodon plugin for bitlbee IRC gateway

This plugin allows Bitlbee to communicate with Mastodon instances. Mastodon is a free, open-source, decentralized microblogging network. Bitlbee is an IRC server connecting to various other text messaging services. You run Bitlbee and connect to it using an IRC client, then configure Bitlbee to connect to other services, such as a Mastodon instance where you already have an account. The benefit is that you can now use any IRC client you want to connect to Mastodon.


Check if a path is in the current working directory

This module is a dependency of del module, which is similar to rimraf, but with a Promise API and support for multiple files and globbing.


Fast scatter density plots for Matplotlib

This package provides functionality to make it easy to make your own scatter density maps, both for interactive and non-interactive use. Fast.


Clojure utilities for writing template engines

Provides map access and text manipulation functions for writing template engines in Clojure.