
Transitional package for samizdat


diaspora federation json schemas

This gem provides JSON schemas (currently one schema) for validating JSON serialized federation objects. It provides the functionality for de-/serialization and de-/encryption of Entities in the protocols used for communication among the various installations of diaspora. It's also a rails engine that adds the diaspora federation protocol to a rails app.


GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection (base package)


infers V(D)J recombination processes from sequencing data

IGoR (Inference and Generation of Repertoires) is a versatile software to analyze and model immune receptors generation, selection, mutation and all other processes.


visual servoing platform vision library


aligner of short reads of next generation sequencers

This package addresses a common problem in bioinformatics that has become routine now also in clinical research: the assembly and comparison of the very long genomic DNA sequences from many short reads that the machines provide.