
GNU Objective-C++ compiler


Toolkit for scalable simulation of distributed applications

SimGrid is a toolkit that provides core functionalities for the simulation of distributed applications in heterogeneous distributed environments. SimGrid can be used as a Grid simulator, a P2P simulator, a Cloud simulator, a MPI simulator, or a mix of all of them. The typical use-cases of SimGrid include heuristic evaluation, application prototyping, and real application development and tuning.


core library to integrate with Google service APIs


GNU Ada compiler (setjump/longjump runtime library)


transparent wrapper around Clojure's map types

LazyMap is a transparent wrapper around the map types of Clojure. It works similar to lazy-seq for sequences: the value associated with a key via lazy-assoc is not evaluated until it is actually accessed. So if the value is dissoc'd before it is accessed the code necessary to generate the value is not executed at all.


Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications