
Equinox Provisioning Publisher for Eclipse

The Equinox p2 project focuses on provisioning technology for OSGi-based applications. Although p2 has specific support for installing Eclipse and Equinox-based applications, it includes a general-purpose provisioning infrastructure that can be used as the basis for provisioning solutions for a wide variety of software applications.


Equinox Provisioning Director

The Equinox p2 project focuses on provisioning technology for OSGi-based applications. Although p2 has specific support for installing Eclipse and Equinox-based applications, it includes a general-purpose provisioning infrastructure that can be used as the basis for provisioning solutions for a wide variety of software applications.


Efficient JavaScript minification in PHP


library to work with mathematical expressions


Eclipse Views

The Eclipse Platform UI project is responsible for the runtime, user interface and help components of Eclipse. Platform UI provides the basic building blocks to create the Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse based applications called Rich Client Platform (RCP).


ORFEO Toolbox library - OTBCommandLine