
backport of Python 2.7's random module

In Python 3, the implementation of randrange() was changed, so that even with the same seed you get different sequences in Python 2 and 3.


Library for the Common Data Access framework for Earth science

The Common Data Access framework allows reading of scientific data from various data formats, including structured ascii, structured binary, XML, netCDF, CDF, HDF4, HDF5, GRIB, RINEX and SP3. It provides a single consistent hierarchical view on data independent of the underlying storage format.


Python2 JSON Hyper-Schema codec for Core API


ORFEO Toolbox library - OTBMetadata


simple Perl interface to Google Protocol Buffers

Google Protocol Buffers is a data serialization format. It is binary (and hence compact and fast for serialization) and as extendable as XML; its nearest analogues are Thrift and ASN.1. There are official mappings for C++, Java and Python languages; this library is a mapping for Perl.


basic tabbed window support for Tickit

Tickit::Widget::Tabbed provides a container that operates as a tabbed window.