Displays serial port modem status lines


Displays serial port modem status lines

Statserial displays a table of the signals on a standard 9-pin or 25-pin serial port, and indicates the status of the handshaking lines. It can be useful for debugging problems with serial ports or modems.
Security auditor tool


Security auditor tool

The Linux Security Auditing Tool (LSAT) is a post install security auditor for Linux/Unix. It checks many system configurations and local network settings on the system for common security/config errors and for packages that are not needed.
On-screen Input Pad to Send Characters with Mouse


On-screen Input Pad to Send Characters with Mouse

The input pad is a tool to send a character to text applications when the corresponging button is pressed. It provides the GTK+ based GUI and can send characters when the GTK+ buttons are pressed.
debconf - configure the leafnode debian package to make it work for you


NNTP server for small sites

Leafnode is a news server suitable for small, limited-bandwidth sites with only a few users ('leaf' sites). It keeps track of which groups are being read, and downloads only articles in those groups. Leafnode has been designed to require no maintenance and to be easy to set up.
A curses-based tty Jabber, IRC, AIM  and Zephyr client


A curses-based tty Jabber, IRC, AIM and Zephyr client

A curses-based instant-messaging client supporting the Jabber, IRC, AIM and Zephyr protocols. Much of the functionality is written in Perl, which is supported as an extension language.
glirc in vertical split screen mode showing two channels


console IRC client

glirc is a console IRC client with an emphasis on providing dynamic views into the model of your IRC connections.