
Erlang library for integrated performance testing

Horse is designed to provide quick feedback on the performance of units of code, for example a function or a group of functions.


module to initialize FormBuilder applications from Perl files

CGI::FormBuilder::Source::Perl allows you to specify the config for a CGI::FormBuilder object using Perl syntax.


GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection (library base package)

This empty package contains changelog and copyright files common to all libraries contained in the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC).


C++ logging library

This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.


utility to wrap the mbed test loader for use by yotta targets

mbed-test-wrapper is used to wrap the mbed test loader, so that it can be used by yotta targets to run tests on target embedded hardware platforms (e.g. K64F).


Converting between ipython notebooks and sphinx docs (Python 2)