
GNU R multivariate adaptive regression splines

This GNU R package builds regression models using the techniques in Friedman's papers "Fast MARS" and "Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines" <doi:10.1214/aos/1176347963>. (The term "MARS" is trademarked and thus not used in the name of the package.)


Implementation of OGC's Web Processing Service - Python module

PyWPS is implementation of Web Processing Service from Open Geospatial Consortium Inc.(R) with help of Python Programming Language and GIS GRASS as working tool in background.


Asynchronous event notification library (openssl)

Libevent is an asynchronous event notification library that provides a mechanism to execute a callback function when a specific event occurs on a file descriptor or after a timeout has been reached.


Visualization of a Correlation Matrix

A graphical display of a correlation matrix or general matrix. It also contains some algorithms to do matrix reordering. In addition, corrplot is good at details, including choosing color, text labels, color labels, layout, etc.


ORFEO Toolbox library - OTBOssimPlugins


Courier Unicode library (shared runtime library)