
Implementation of OGC's Web Processing Service - Python module

PyWPS is implementation of Web Processing Service from Open Geospatial Consortium Inc.(R) with help of Python Programming Language and GIS GRASS as working tool in background.


tools for binary bootstrapping

The tools included provide very minimal functionality tools used in very early bootstrap of a toolchain.


Lightweight JavaScript datepicker

Pikaday is a lightweight JavaScript datepicker with modular CSS and no dependencies. It is designed to work well alone but supports integration with Moment.js.


Python library to extract Exif data from TIFF and JPEG files

This is a Python library to extract Exif information from digital camera image files. It contains the script and the exifread library.


standalone StatusNotifierItem/AppIndicator tray; profiling libraries

gtk-sni-tray provides a StatusNotifierHost widget written using the gtk+3 bindings for haskell provided by gi-gtk. It also provides a simple standalone executable, gtk-sni-tray-standalone, that is configured with command line arguments. This executable will run the aforementioned widget by itself in a strut window, on each monitor for each it is requested.


Data Plane Development Kit (librte-pmd-virtio-crypto runtime library)