
Files for GNU GCC plugin development.

This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins.


unittest extension for testing asyncio libraries

The package asynctest is built on top of the standard unittest module and cuts down boilerplate code when testing libraries for asyncio.


set of utilities related to RGB colors

Color::RGB::Util provides routines for dealing with RGB colors.


computer vision Feature Detection and Descriptor Extraction library


Java library for displaying plots (graphs, diagrams, and charts)

GRAL is a free Java library for displaying plots (graphs, diagrams, and charts). The acronym GRAL simply stands for GRAphing Library.


Classes from JDK8 excluded from JDK9

This package contains jars which have classes that are in jdk 8 but not in jdk 9. This package is used to build Kotlin.