Valgrind integration for Eclipse CDT
The Linux Tools Project Valgrind plugin aims to provide simple and effective profiling for the C/C++ Development Tools. Integration of these tools from Valgrind suite is provided: * Memcheck *
Memcheck is a tool that detects memory management problems. It is Valgrind's
most popular tool and seemingly the most mature. Memcheck's output is rather
straight forward - it is a series of errors along with stack trace information.
The Valgrind View presents this output using a TreeViewer with the errors as
top-level elements.
The stack trace is presented underneath the error and when a frame is
double-clicked an editor will open and go to the line in question.
Markers represent memcheck errors inside the editor and are linked to the
Problems View.
Includes an editor for Valgrind suppressions files featuring syntax
highlighting, folding and code completion.
* Massif *
Massif is a heap profiling tool. It takes several "snapshots" during execution
of your program detailing the various heap allocations throughout. It's output
for each snapshot primarily consists the time of the snapshot, how many bytes
were allocated that can be used, and how much extra was allocated than was
asked. The unit of time can be configured to be instructions, milliseconds or
bytes. At specified intervals, "detailed" snapshots are produced. These
detailed snapshots contain a tree of heap allocations that comprise that
snapshot. Unlike Memcheck, Massif does not yet support XML output. Massif's
output is complex and as such requires creative ways of displaying it. Valgrind
includes the ms_print program that is used to display Massif's output in a
visually appealing manner. ms_print was used as a template for how to display
this output.
The default view of the output is with a TableViewer. Snapshots are displayed
as tabular data, just as ms_print does.
For detailed snapshots, an icon indicates the snapshot can be double-clicked
and the View will display a TreeViewer of the detailed snapshots' heap
allocation trees.
ms_print also provides a bar chart of bytes allocated throughout execution. In
perhaps a more appropriate style, there is an option to display a detailed line
chart of this data.
* Cachegrind *
Cachegrind performs cache and branching profiling. A Cachegrind profile run
measures the number of cache misses and branch mispredictions performed by an
application. The results of a Cachegrind profile run are displayed in the
Valgrind view. These results show Cachegrind's cache/branch data in different
levels of granularity.
Double-clicking on any file, function, or line will open the corresponding
source file and place the cursor on the appropriate location (if the source can
be resolved).
Integration with the CDT's parsed code model provides a user interface that
resembles what you see in the Outline view.Upload more screenshots
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Install eclipse-cdt-valgrind