
cloud-first free no-X uniX-like finite-element(ish) tool


FeenoX is a computational engineering tool designed to solve engineering-related problems using cloud servers in parallel in such a way that the problem is defined in a plain-text near-English self descriptive input file read at run time, without requiring further user intervention after the invocation.

So far it can solve

 * Basic mathematics
 * Systems of ODEs/DAEs
 * Laplace’s equation
 * Heat conduction
 * Linear elasticity
 * Modal analysis
 * Neutron diffusion
 * Neutron SN

The usage depends on Gmsh to create the meshes. Optionally, FeenoX's output can be post-processed with Paraview.

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Install this software package

If the package is available for the distribution you are currently using on your computer then install the software by clicking on…

Install feenox