
GPS file conversion plus transfer to/from GPS units


GPSBabel converts waypoints, tracks, and routes from one format to another, whether that format is a common mapping format like Delorme, Streets and Trips, or even a serial upload or download to a GPS unit such as those from Garmin and Magellan.

GPSBabel supports dozens of data formats and will be useful for tasks such as geocaching, mapping, and converting from one GPS unit to another. Among the interesting formats it supports are several GPS devices via a serial link, various PDA-based mapping programs, and various Geocaching data formats.

Among others GPSBabel supports the following formats:

CSV, Custom CSV DNA, EasyGPS Binary, Fugawi, Garmin serial, loc, GPSDrive, GPX, Holux, IGC, Magellan serial, Magellan SD, Mapopolis.Com Mapconverter, Mapsource, Maptech, Microsoft Streets and Trips, NIMA/GNIS Geographic Names, NMEA sentences, OziExplorer, Tab-separated data, Topo by National Geographic, xcsv

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