
Java implementation of the PRECIS Framework


PRECIS validates and prepares Unicode strings in a way, so that they can safely be used in application protocols, e.g. when dealing with usernames and passwords.

For example, if strings are used for authentication and authorization decisions, the security of an application could be compromised if an entity providing a given string is connected to the wrong account or online resource based on different interpretations of the string.

PRECIS takes care of such issues.

This library supports the following specifications:

RFC 8264: PRECIS Framework: Preparation, Enforcement, and Comparison of
          Internationalized Strings in Application Protocols
RFC 8265: Preparation, Enforcement, and Comparison of Internationalized
          Strings Representing Usernames and Passwords
RFC 8266: Preparation, Enforcement, and Comparison of Internationalized
          Strings Representing Nicknames
RFC 5893: Right-to-Left Scripts for Internationalized Domain Names for
          Applications (IDNA)

PRECIS obsoletes Stringprep (RFC 3454) and this library obsoletes software like Libidn's Stringprep class.

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