Create and save Fuel diagnostic snapshots
Fuel is an open source deployment and management tool for OpenStack. Developed as an OpenStack community effort, it provides an intuitive, GUI-driven experience for deployment and management of OpenStack, related community projects and plug-ins. Fuel brings consumer-grade simplicity to streamline and accelerate the otherwise time-consuming, often complex, and error-prone process of deploying, testing and maintaining various configuration flavors of OpenStack at scale. Unlike other platform-specific deployment or management utilities, Fuel is an upstream OpenStack project that focuses on automating the deployment and testing of OpenStack and a range of third-party options, so it’s not compromised by hard bundling or vendor lock-in. Shotgun takes a yaml files with command lines as argument so that it can collect log files and such to help diagnose problems in Fuel.Upload more screenshots
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If the package is available for the distribution you are currently using on your computer then install the software by clicking on…
Install python-shotgun