
RDF data shape processing - CLI tool


rudof implements Shape Expressions (ShEx), SHACL, DCTAP, and other technologies in the RDF ecosystem.

It can be used to validate RDF data represented with different syntaxes like Turtle, NTriples, etc. as well as RDF data available through SPARQL endpoints like Wikidata.

rudof can also be used to convert between different RDF data validation technologies like ShEx, SHACL, DCTAP, etc., and to generate UML like visualizations and HTML views.

Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a standard model for data interchange on the Web.

Shape Expressions (ShEx) is a data modelling language for defining schemas for RDF graphs.

Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL) is a data modelling language for describing constraints for RDF graphs. SHACL is a W3C recommendation.

Dublin Core Tabular Application Profiles (DCTAP) is a simple model for defining an application profiles i.e. metadata usage for a specific application.

This package provides the command-line tool rudof.

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