
Linux Utilities for Soundcraft Mixers


Soundcraft Notepad mixers are small-sized mixer boards with Harmon USB I/O built-in. While the USB audio works great in alsa without any additional configuration needed, there are some advanced features available to the Windows driver that have no Linux equivalent.

Most importantly, the USB routing for the capture channels is software-controlled, and requires an additional utility.

For example, by default the Notepad-12FX sends the Master L&R outputs to USB capture channels 3 and 4, but this routing can be changed to input 3&4, input 5&6, or input 7&8. This tool aims to give this same software control of the USB capture channel routing to Linux users.

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Install this software package

If the package is available for the distribution you are currently using on your computer then install the software by clicking on…

Install soundcraft-utils