GL(Mesa) screen saver modules for screensaver frontends
XScreenSaver is a modular screen saver and locker for X11, containing more than 200 screen savers. This package contains a small selection of 3D (OpenGL) screen saver modules from the xscreensaver collection. This package can be used by xscreensaver and also some other screensaver engines. This is the set of GL screensavers shipped by default: antinspect, antspotlight, atunnel, beats, blinkbox, bubble3d, chompytower, circuit, cityflow, covid19, crumbler, cubestack, cubestorm, cubetwist, cubocteversion, discoball, dymaxionmap, endgame, energystream, engine, esper, etruscanvenus, flipflop, flipscreen3d, flyingtoasters, gears, geodesic, geodesicgears, gflux, gibson, glblur, glcells, gleidescope, glknots, glmatrix, glschool, glslideshow, glsnake, gltext, headroom, hexstrut, hextrail, highvoltage, hydrostat, hypertorus, jigglypuff, kaleidocycle, kallisti, lavalite, lockward, mapscroller, maze3d, mirrorblob, moebius, moebiusgears, molecule, morph3d, nakagin, papercube, peepers, pipes, polyhedra, polytopes, projectiveplane, pulsar, quasicrystal, queens, raverhoop, razzledazzle, romanboy, sierpinski3d, skulloop, sonar, sphereeversion, spheremonics, splitflap, splodesic, squirtorus, stonerview, superquadrics, topblock, unicrud, vigilance, voronoi, winduprobot. More display modes can be found in the xscreensaver-data, xscreensaver-data-extra and xscreensaver-gl-extra packages.Upload more screenshots
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