Ming format Opensymbol Fonts
Ming is an SWF (Flash) file format output library.
It is written in C, with wrappers for C++, Perl, Python,
PHP and experimental support for Ruby and Java.
Korean TeX: Base fonts
ko.TeX is a collection of LaTeX packages made by Koaunghi Un,
Dohyun Kim and Kangsoo Kim to replace HLaTeX and Hangul-ucs.
See http://project.ktug.or.kr/ko.TeX/ for more information.
Java library for syntax highlighting text component
RSyntaxTextArea extends JTextComponent so it integrates completely
with the standard javax.swing.text package. It is fast and efficient, and
can be used in any application that needs to edit or view source code.
Korean TeX: Extra HLaTeX fonts
ko.TeX is a collection of LaTeX packages made by Koaunghi Un,
Dohyun Kim and Kangsoo Kim to replace HLaTeX and Hangul-ucs.
See http://project.ktug.or.kr/ko.TeX/ for more information.
Material Design Icons Webfont XStatic support - Python 3.x
XStatic is a Python web development tool for handling required static data
files from external projects, such as CSS, images, and JavaScript. It provides
a lightweight infrastructure to manage them via Python modules that your app
can depend on in a portable, virtualenv-friendly way instead of using embedded