
biweight mean vector and covariance and correlation

Compute multivariate location, scale, and correlation estimates based on Tukey's biweight M-estimator.


WebSub publisher library for PHP

PHP library implementing a WebSub (formerly PubSubHubbub) publisher. Connects to a hub and publishes updates for a topic URL. A custom HTTP function may be provided for posting to the hub.


Portable Roaring bitmaps in C (and C++)

Bitsets, also called bitmaps, are commonly used as fast data structures. Unfortunately, they can use too much memory. To compensate, we often use compressed bitmaps. Roaring bitmaps are compressed bitmaps which tend to outperform conventional compressed bitmaps such as WAH, EWAH or Concise.


gnuradio zeromq functions


Python module for generating email authentication headers


memory profiler for Ruby

Memory profiler is a memory profiling routines for Ruby 2.3+. It requires Ruby(MRI) version 2.3.8 and above.