
new transport-independent RPC library

Port of Sun's transport-independent RPC library to Linux. The library is intended as a replacement for the RPC code in the GNU C library, providing among others support for RPC (and in turn, NFS) over IPv6.


Lightweight CPU emulator framework

Unicorn is a CPU emulator which is based on the CPU emulation code from QEMU. Unlike QEMU, it focuses on the emulation of CPU code without a full system emulation, but with the goal to make the emulation extensible and easy to integrate in custom tools. Unicorn provides language bindings for Python, Ruby, and Rust (among others) and has instrumentation hooks for various CPU events. This makes Unicorn well suited for malware analysis and reverse engineering.


Lightweight CPU emulator framework (Ruby bindings)

Unicorn is a CPU emulator which is based on the CPU emulation code from QEMU. Unlike QEMU, it focuses on the emulation of CPU code without a full system emulation, but with the goal to make the emulation extensible and easy to integrate in custom tools. Unicorn provides language bindings for Python, Ruby, and Rust (among others) and has instrumentation hooks for various CPU events. This makes Unicorn well suited for malware analysis and reverse engineering.


Legacy solar-system plugin for the JPL PLEPH routines

Optional SuperNOVAS plugin library that provides legacy solar-system routines for accessing older JPL planetary data through the JPL PLEPH routines. It requires a user-provided FORTRAN adapter module, and PLEPH library. This package is provided only to support legacy applications that were written for that particular interfacing.


Approximate Nearest Neighbor Searching library (cctbx variant)

ANN is a library written in C++, which supports data structures and algorithms for both exact and approximate nearest neighbor searching in arbitrarily high dimensions. ANN assumes that distances are measured using any class of distance functions called Minkowski metrics. These include the well known Euclidean distance, Manhattan distance, and max distance. ANN performs quite efficiently for point sets ranging in size from thousands to hundreds of thousands, and in dimensions as high as 20.


computer vision Video analysis library

This package contains the OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) Video analysis runtime libraries.