Python Materials Genomics for materials analysis (test files)
Pymatgen (Python Materials Genomics) is a robust, open-source Python
library for materials analysis. These are some of the main features:
client providing energy/gas prices from easyEnergy
This package provides makes it possible to retrieve the dynamic energy/gas
prices from easyEnergy.
GNU Fortran compiler
This is the GNU Fortran compiler, which compiles
Fortran on platforms supported by the gcc compiler. It uses the
gcc backend to generate optimized code.
Gene Set Variation Analysis for microarray and RNA-seq data
Gene Set Variation Analysis (GSVA) is a non-parametric, unsupervised
method for estimating variation of gene set enrichment through the
samples of a expression data set. GSVA performs a change in coordinate
systems, transforming the data from a gene by sample matrix to a gene-
set by sample matrix, thereby allowing the evaluation of pathway
enrichment for each sample. This new matrix of GSVA enrichment scores
facilitates applying standard analytical methods like functional
enrichment, survival analysis, clustering, CNV-pathway analysis or cross-
tissue pathway analysis, in a pathway-centric manner.
GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection (library base package)
This empty package contains changelog and copyright files common to
all libraries contained in the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC).