
Document (Comic Books, DjVu, PDF) rendering library - Gtk+ widgets

This package contains libppsview, which provides GTK widgets for displaying documents.


General framework for developing spatial indices - C library

Spatialindex is a C++ library that provides a framework for developing spatial indices. Currently it defines generic interfaces, provides simple main memory and disk based storage managers and a robust implementation of an R*-tree, an MVR-tree and a TPR-tree.


General framework for developing spatial indices

Spatialindex is a C++ library that provides a framework for developing spatial indices. Currently it defines generic interfaces, provides simple main memory and disk based storage managers and a robust implementation of an R*-tree, an MVR-tree and a TPR-tree.


Library to simplify USB device monitoring

USBMonitor is a versatile cross-platform library that simplifies USB device monitoring for Windows, Linux and MacOS systems. It enables developers to effortlessly track device connections, disconnections, and access to all connected device attributes.


Geographic objects support for PostgreSQL -- SQL scripts metapackage

PostGIS adds support for geographic objects to the PostgreSQL object-relational database. In effect, PostGIS "spatially enables" the PostgreSQL server, allowing it to be used as a backend spatial database for geographic information systems (GIS), much like ESRI's SDE or Oracle's Spatial extension. PostGIS follows the OpenGIS "Simple Features Specification for SQL".


collection of library stubs for Python, with static types

Typeshed contains external type annotations for the Python standard library and Python builtins, as well as third party packages as contributed by people external to those projects.