Control Airthings devices via BLE for Python environments
This library provides the tools necessary to interface with Airthings devices
using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology. It supports direct communication
with various Airthings products, facilitating the monitoring and control of
air quality sensors from Python applications. The library is primarily
designed for integration with systems that utilize BLE for device interaction.
It includes functionality for device discovery, data retrieval, and command
transmission, enhancing the ease of integrating air quality monitoring into
tech-driven solutions.
Device specific themes for Feedbackd
Feedbackd is a DBus activated daemon that provides haptic/
visual/audio feedback based on events.
Python 3 bindings for PETSc 3.16 libraries (real numbers)
PETSc is a suite of data structures and routines for the scalable (parallel)
solution of scientific applications modeled by partial differential equations.
It employs the MPI standard for all message-passing communication.
geometry library for particle-detector simulation
VecGeom is a vectorized geometry modeller library with hit-detection features
as needed by particle detector simulation at the LHC and beyond.
GDML interoperability library for VecGeom
VecGeom is a vectorized geometry modeller library with hit-detection features
as needed by particle detector simulation at the LHC and beyond.
utilities for PDBx/mmCIF storage model (Python 3)
This package is based on PDBx Python code
( The package emphasizes a
simple and pure Python interface to basic mmCIF functionality.