
Unicode string library for C

The 'libunistring' library implements Unicode strings (in the UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32 encodings), together with functions for Unicode characters (character names, classifications, properties) and functions for string processing (formatted output, width, word breaks, line breaks, normalization, case folding, regular expressions).


Command line utility to send messages or files using XMPP

Go-sendxmpp can send messages or files (if the server supports http-upload) to an XMPP contact or MUC. It is inspired by the perl tool sendxmpp.


Fast pseudorandom number generator for Node.js

node-pure-rand is a fast pseudo random number generator with purity in mind. Pure means that the instance "rng" will never be altered in-place. It can be called again and again and will always return the same value, but it will also return the next "rng".


Python Web Services Discovery Daemon, Windows Net Browsing

This daemon is used to announce Linux Hosts to Windows 7+ computers for use in their File Manager network browsing, by using the Windows Services Discovery Protocol.


Google's NDK (Side by side) 26.1.10909125 Installer

This package will download the Google's NDK (Side by side) 26.1.10909125 package and unpacks it into Debian-friendly paths.


C library for exact computation with numbers, shared library

Calcium is capable of rigourosly deciding the truth of any constant relationship involving algebraic numbers and many relations involving transcendental numbers.