
GNU R inclusive, unifying API for progress updates

A minimal, unifying API for scripts and packages to report progress updates from anywhere including when using parallel processing. The package is designed such that the developer can to focus on what progress should be reported on without having to worry about how to present it. The end user has full control of how, where, and when to render these progress updates, e.g. in the terminal using utils::txtProgressBar() or progress::progress_bar(), in a graphical user interface using utils::winProgressBar(), tcltk::tkProgressBar() or shiny::withProgress(), via the speakers using beep::beepr(), or on a file system via the size of a file. Anyone can add additional, customized, progression handlers. The 'progressr' package uses R's condition framework for signaling progress updated. Because of this, progress can be reported from almost anywhere in R, e.g. from classical for and while loops, from map-reduce APIs like the lapply() family of functions, 'purrr', 'plyr', and 'foreach'. It will also work with parallel processing via the 'future' framework, e.g. future.apply::future_lapply(), furrr::future_map(), and 'foreach' with 'doFuture'. The package is compatible with Shiny applications.


Utilities and templates for ROS 2 ament packages

The ament build system is the most common way to build packages for ROS 2, the Robot Operating System. It is the successor of catkin.


computer vision Camera Calibration library

This package contains the OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) Camera Calibration runtime libraries.


Shims to help you safely remove pytz

pytz has served the Python community well for many years, but it is no longer the best option for providing time zones. pytz has a non-standard interface that is very easy to misuse; this interface was necessary when pytz was created, because datetime had no way to represent ambiguous datetimes, but this was solved in Python 3.6, which added a fold attribute to datetimes in PEP 495. With the addition of the zoneinfo module in Python 3.9 (PEP 615), there has never been a better time to migrate away from pytz.


Google's 'Sources for Android 30' Installer

This package will download the Google's Sources for Android 30 package and unpacks it into Debian-friendly paths.


modules for working with OAI repositories within the Catmandu framework

Catmandu::OAI contains modules for working with OAI repositories.