Fast, compressed, persistent binary data store library for C
Blosc is a high performance compressor optimized for binary data. It has been
designed to transmit data to the processor cache faster than the traditional,
non-compressed, direct memory fetch approach via a memcpy() OS call. Blosc
main goal is not just to reduce the size of large datasets on-disk or
in-memory, but also to accelerate memory-bound computations.
Python 3 bindings for Qt 6 (base files)
pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework.
Computation Chemistry Integral Evaluation Library
The LIBINT library is used to evaluate the traditional (electron repulsion)
and certain novel two-body matrix elements (integrals) over Cartesian
Gaussian functions used in modern atomic and molecular theory. The idea
of the library is to let computer write optimized code for computing
such integrals. There are two primary advantages to this: much less
human effort is required to write code for computing new integrals, and
code can be optimized specifically for a particular computer
architecture (e.g., vector processor).
CPython bindings generator for C++ libraries (Python3 shared library)
Shiboken6 is a bindings generator for C++ libraries that outputs CPython
source code. It collects information from library headers, and then
merges modifications and handwritten code defined in the typesystem
Fcitx5 libime implementation of jyutping input method (tools)
This software provides a library that makes use of libime to implement
jyutping (粵拼) input method. It also includes an engine for fcitx 5.
Configuration editor for Picom
picom-conf is a configuration tool for the X composite manager picom. It is a
fork of compton-conf.