
Classic McEliece microlibrary - Python wrapper

libmceliece is a Classic McEliece microlibrary. libmceliece has a very simple stateless API based on the SUPERCOP API, with wire-format inputs and outputs, providing functions that directly match the KEM operations provided by Classic McEliece, such as functions


Python bindings for the Mapbox Earcut library

The Mapbox Earcut library implements a modified ear slicing algorithm, optimized by z-order curve hashing and extended to handle holes, twisted polygons, degeneracies and self-intersections in a way that doesn't guarantee correctness of triangulation, but attempts to always produce acceptable results for practical data like geographical shapes.


JavaScript Streaming Shapefile Parser

node-shapefile provides a streaming Shapefile Parser based on the "ESRI Shapefile Technical Description". It provides a convenience API for reading an entire shapefile in one go.


HTML manager of Jupyter interactive widgets

node-jupyter-widgets-html-manager is a standalone package for rendering Jupyter widgets outside notebooks.


Firmware extractor for Android devices running Linux

This package provides a boot-time service for extracting binary firmware from vendor partitions on Android devices. It is meant to run on first boot and triggers a reboot once it executed successfully, ensuring the device will then run with all the needed firmware being available to Linux.


Session badges for LightDM-based greeters

Arctica Greeter, Lomiri Greeter and Slick Greeter use very similar session badge icons for visualizing the desktop sessions available for user login.