
SuperCollider mode for Emacs

SuperCollider is an environment and programming language for real time audio synthesis and algorithmic composition. It provides an interpreted object-oriented language which functions as a network client to a state of the art, realtime sound synthesis server.


simple interface to change GTK+ themes

Change some basic elements of a GTK+ theme easily (both GTK2 and GTK3) with a simple interface.


Simple mixer for live performances


Qt application for cutting parts out of DVB streams

DVBcut is a Qt application that allows you to select certain parts of an MPEG transport stream (as received via Digital Video Broadcasting, DVB) and save these parts into a single MPEG output file. It follows a `keyhole surgery'' approach where the input video and audio data is mostly kept unchanged, and only very few frames at the beginning and/or end of the selected range are re-encoded in order to obtain a valid MPEG file.


system job management utility


XVideo components for Bellagio OpenMAX IL

OpenMAX Integration Layer (IL) is a standard API to access Multimedia Components on mobile platforms. It has been defined by the Khronos group. By means of the OpenMAX IL API, multimedia frameworks can access hardware accelerators on platforms that provide it.