
NVIDIA CUINJ Library (64-bit)

The Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) enables NVIDIA graphics processing units (GPUs) to be used for massively parallel general purpose computation.


framework for performing various javascript actions from html

htmx gives you access to AJAX, CSS Transitions, WebSockets and Server Sent Events directly in HTML, using attributes, so you can build modern user interfaces with the simplicity and power of hypertext.


Elegantly record your screen

Kooha allows recording of the screen. It has the following features: - recording of microphone / computer audio / both - support for WebM, MP4, GIF, and Matroska formats - recording a specific section or monitor - experimental hardware-accelerated encoding


Lomiri on-screen keyboard data files - German

Lomiri Keyboard based on Maliit-Keyboard


OpenStack Acceleration as a Service - processor

Cyborg provides a general management framework for accelerators such as FPGA, GPU, SoCs, NVMe SSDs, CCIX caches, DPDK/SPDK, pmem and so forth. It provides a REST API for basic accelerator life cycle management, and has a generic driver for common accelerator support.


OpenStack Acceleration as a Service - API server

Cyborg provides a general management framework for accelerators such as FPGA, GPU, SoCs, NVMe SSDs, CCIX caches, DPDK/SPDK, pmem and so forth. It provides a REST API for basic accelerator life cycle management, and has a generic driver for common accelerator support.