
header only deep learning framework in C++

tiny-dnn is a C++ implementation of deep learning. It is suitable for deep learning on limited computational resource, embedded systems and IoT devices.


KDE PIM Mime Tree parser library

This library implements a parser for the mime tree used by KMail.


Send files from one computer to another, securely

wormhole-rs is the Rust port of the magic-wormhole python CLI. It makes it possible to very easily transfer files or directories from one computer to another.


Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: emacs interface

ACL2 is both a programming language in which you can model computer systems and a tool to help you prove properties of those models.


KMail template parser library

This library implements a parser for the mail templates which KMail uses to enable customization of initial structure for the new, reply or forwarded messages.


QtOrganizer engine for mkCal calendar

Qt Organizer provides clients with the ability to access calendar, schedule, and personal data in a platform-independent and datastore-agnostic manner. This is achieved by defining generic personal information data abstractions which can sufficiently describe calendar and scheduling data stored in the native calendaring system of a platform. Through the plugin architecture, Qt Organizer can be used as a front-end API for any calendaring system, such as an online calendar.