high performance general RPC framework
A modern, open source remote procedure call (RPC) framework that can
run anywhere. It enables client and server applications to communicate
transparently, and makes it easier to build connected systems.
QGIS - shared gui library
QGIS is a Geographic Information System (GIS) which manages, analyzes and
display databases of geographic information.
library for accessing LDAP
This is a library for accessing LDAP with a convenient Qt style C++ API.
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is an application protocol
for querying and modifying directory services running over TCP/IP.
C library for flexible logging (runtime)
Log4c is a library of C for flexible logging to files, syslog and other
library for Travel Reservation information
This library provides an API for Data Model and Extraction System for
Travel Reservation information.
QGIS - shared server library
QGIS is a Geographic Information System (GIS) which manages, analyzes and
display databases of geographic information.