
OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT (headless)

Minimal Java runtime - needed for executing non GUI Java programs, using Hotspot JIT.


Gambas Qt5 Wayland component

Gambas is a free development environment based on a Basic interpreter with object extensions, like Visual Basic(tm) (but it is NOT a clone!).


Cargo plugin to build bpf programs

libbpf-cargo helps develop and build eBPF (BPF) programs with standard rust tooling.


LDAP schema for GOsa² sudo plugin

This package includes the LDAP schema needed by the GOsa sudo plugin.


Gambas Qt5 Webview component

Gambas is a free development environment based on a Basic interpreter with object extensions, like Visual Basic(tm) (but it is NOT a clone!).


Simple backend-independent plotting for PDL

PDL can plot through a plethora of external plotting modules. Each module tends to be less widely available than Perl itself, and to require an additional step or two to install. For simple applications ("throw up an image on the screen", or "plot a curve") it is useful to have a subset of all plotting capability available in a backend-independent layer. PDL::Graphics::Simple provides that capability.