
high-level 3D graphics kit implementing the Open Inventor API

Coin is an OpenGL-based, retain-mode 3D graphics library that implements the Open Inventor 2.1 API. It also includes support for VRML97 and 3D audio. Installing the suggested packages will enable extra features:


Apertium translation data for the Icelandic-Swedish pair

Data package providing Apertium language resources for translating between the Icelandic and Swedish languages.


client library for collectd's control interface

libcollectdclient provides an API to access the control interface provided by the unixsock plugin of collectd, a statistics collection and monitoring daemon. It can be used to access values collected by collectd or dispatch new values and notifications to the daemon. This allows for integration with other applications such as monitoring solutions.


Mir Display Server - server library

Mir is a display server running on Linux systems, with a focus on efficiency, robust operation and a well-defined driver model.


CMake build system for ROS 2 ament packages (clang_format)

The ament build system is the most common way to build packages for ROS 2. ament_cmake provides the necessary tooling to build ament packages with CMake.


Mir Display Server - platform library for NVIDIA

Mir is a display server running on Linux systems, with a focus on efficiency, robust operation and a well-defined driver model.