
Schema management CLI for MySQL (program)

Skeema is a tool for managing MySQL tables and schema changes in a declarative fashion using pure SQL. It provides a CLI tool allowing you to: * Export CREATE TABLE statements to the filesystem, for tracking in a repo (git, hg, svn, etc) * Diff changes in the schema repo against live DBs to automatically generate DDL * Manage multiple environments (e.g. dev, staging, prod) and keep them in sync with ease * Configure use of online schema change tools, such as pt-online-schema-change, for performing ALTERs * Apply configurable linter rules to proactively catch schema design problems and enforce company policies Skeema supports a pull-request-based workflow for schema change submission, review, and execution. This permits your team to manage schema changes in exactly the same way as you manage code changes.


production-quality unwinder

libunwind is a production-quality unwinder, with platform support for DWARF unwind info, SjLj, and ARM EHABI.


library for scientific graphs (fltk interface for windows)

A free cross-platform library of fast C++ routines for plotting data in up to 3 dimensions. It can export plots to bitmaps and vector EPS, SVG, IDTF files. There are simple window interfaces based on GLUT, FLTK and/or Qt. MathGL can also be used in the console. There are interfaces to a set of languages, such as, C, Fortran, Pascal, Forth, Python, Octave.


Python module to render reStructuredText to ansi-escaped strings

The rst2ansi project is a python module dedicated to rendering RST (reStructuredText) documents to ansi-escaped strings suitable for display in a terminal.


one code quality tool to rule them all

Precious is a code quality tool that lets you run all of your linters and tidiers with a single command.


Compiz window decoration library

The window decoration library is responsible for drawing the window borders and title bar of windows managed by Compiz. It is used by window decorators like gtk-window-decorator.