
Python bindings for PCRE

Python bindings for the PCRE (Perl-Compatible Regular Expression Engine).


JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) for Python

Implement the following features:


Vera font family derivate with additional characters

DejaVu provides an expanded version of the Vera font family aiming for quality and broader Unicode coverage while retaining the original Vera style. DejaVu currently works towards conformance with the Multilingual European Standards (MES-1 and MES-2) for Unicode coverage. The DejaVu fonts provide serif, sans and monospaced variants.


GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (m68k)

This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++.


computer vision shape descriptors and matchers library

This package contains the OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) shape descriptors and matchers runtime libraries.


content sharing/picking library for Lomiri

Content sharing/picking infrastructure and service, designed to allow apps to securely and efficiently exchange content.