
current time for OCaml (runtime files)

This package provides a single function to report the current time in nanoseconds since the start of the Unix epoch.


Raku module to turn JSON into objects

A Raku module to make JSON data from an Object. This module provides the opposite functionality of JSON::Marshal.


nfs-ganesha fsal proxy v4 libraries

NFS-GANESHA is a NFS Server running in user space with a large cache. It comes with various backend modules to support different file systems and namespaces. Supported name spaces are POSIX, PROXY, SNMP, FUSE-like, HPSS, LUSTRE, XFS and ZFS.


Python interpreter linked without PIE (version 3.11)

This package contains the interpreter not built as position independent executable. This interpreter is diverting the python3.11 executable, and making the interpreter built with PIE available as python3.11-pie.


Fastest and safest AV1 encoder - shared library

rav1e is a encoder for the AV1 video codec.


QGIS - shared 3d library

QGIS is a Geographic Information System (GIS) which manages, analyzes and display databases of geographic information.