Testing Haplotype Effects In Association Studies


Testing Haplotype Effects In Association Studies

The objectif of the THESIAS program is to performed haplotype-based association analysis in unrelated individuals. This program is based on the maximum likelihood model described in Tregouet et al. 2002 (Hum Mol Genet 2002,11: 2015-2023) and is linked to the SEM algorithm (Tregouet et al. Ann Hum Genet 2004,68: 165-177). THESIAS allows one to simultaneous estimate haplotype frequencies and their associate effects on the phenotype of interest. In this new THESIAS release, quantitative, qualitative (logistic and matched-pair analysis), categorical and survival outcomes can be studied. X-linked haplotype analysis is also feasible. Covariate-adjusted haplotype effects as well as haplotype x covariate interactions can also be investigated.
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