
Erasure code library for xrootd

This package contains the xrootd erasure code library.


Matplotlib colormaps from the yt project

This package provides several colormaps for the scientific use with matplotlib. It contains perceptually uniform sequential colormaps (abre, dusk, kepl, octarine), monochromatic sequential colormaps (blue, green, red) and other (algae, pastel and xray).


Provides functionality for http_build_url() to environments without pecl_http

This simple library provides functionality for `http_build_url()` from pecl_http before version 2. It aims to mimic the functionality of the PECL function in every way.


Common interface for reading the clock

This holds the interface for PSR-20.


IVOA standard conform resource authentication

This package manages authentication for HTTP(S) resources in accordance with standards of the International Virtual Observatory Association (IVOA), a workgroup to define standards for Interoperability of astronomic databases.


infix element-of-list meta-operator

Syntax::Operator::In provides an infix meta-operator that implements a element-of-list test on either strings or numbers.