
Russian man pages

This package contains manual pages translated into Russian, originating from a large number of projects which do not ship translated man pages themselves, including the traditional Linux manpages. The exact projects and man pages might change from release to release, so please look at the actually shipped files for the current set.


Swedish man pages

This package contains manual pages translated into Swedish, originating from a large number of projects which do not ship translated man pages themselves, including the traditional Linux manpages. The exact projects and man pages might change from release to release, so please look at the actually shipped files for the current set.


Vietnamese man pages

This package contains manual pages translated into Vietnamese, originating from a large number of projects which do not ship translated man pages themselves, including the traditional Linux manpages. The exact projects and man pages might change from release to release, so please look at the actually shipped files for the current set.


Software Supply Chain Transparency Log (program)

Rekor's goals are to provide an immutable tamper resistant ledger of metadata generated within a software projects supply chain. Rekor will enable software maintainers and build systems to record signed metadata to an immutable record. Other parties can then query said metadata to enable them to make informed decisions on trust and non-repudiation of an object's lifecycle.


Python library to read, modify, convert, and write rosbag files

It contains: - highlevel easy-to-use interfaces, - rosbag2 reader and writer, - rosbag1 reader and writer, - extensible type system with serializers and deserializers, - efficient converter between rosbag1 and rosbag2, - and more. Rosbags does not have any dependencies on the ROS software stacks and can be used on its own or alongside ROS1 or ROS2


high level, general purpose Java cryptographic library

General-purpose Java cryptograhic library, which complements the Bouncy Castle libraries, that has the following design goals: