Intel Implicit SPMD Program Compiler runtime library
ispc is a compiler for a variant of the C programming language, with extensions
for single program, multiple data programming. Under the SPMD model, the
programmer writes a program that generally appears to be a regular serial
program, though the execution model is actually that a number of program
instances execute in parallel on the hardware.
Template for signed systemd-boot-efi package (amd64)
This package is used to control code signing by the Debian signing
service (amd64 variant).
tox plugin to run tests in current Python environment
The Python ecosystem now has formal specifications for many pieces of
package metadata like versions or dependencies. However, there is no
standardization yet for declaring test dependencies or running
tests. The most popular de-facto standard for that today is tox, and
expecting a future standard to evolve from tox.ini. This plugin
to use tox's dependency lists and testing commands for environments
other than Python venvs.
a package to convert between WKT and KML standards
Geo::Converter::WKT2KML provides two functions, wkt2kml and kml2wkt.
These are convert geometry formats WKT (Well-Known Text) and KML
each other. While the WKT spec is completely implemented, the KML
spec is not completely interpreted.
plugin for OBS Studio to create a transition table control
This plugin adds a Transition Table to the tools menu. This table is useful
to program several transitions between scenes. E.g. is possible to program
a transition from "Any Scene" to "Scene 1" using the transition effect
"Luma Wipe" and with a duration of the "2000ms". Consequently, if the current
scene is any and the selected scene is 1, after clicking on transition button
on OBS, the transition will occur using Luma Wipe and over a time of 2000ms.
Library enabling interactions with Tado web API for appliance control
This library provides a means to interface with the Tado web API, enabling
users to manage their Tado heating systems remotely. It supports
functionalities to check current temperature settings, modify operating modes,
and gather information about climate conditions in different zones. With
access to the unofficial API used by Tado's services, users can remotely
adjust their systems to maintain preferred conditions regardless of their
location. The library can retrieve current temperature, set target
temperatures, and adjust operation modes to manual, automatic, or off. It also
facilitates presence detection, altering the mode based on whether a
registered user is at home, if supported by their Tado assist features.